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If you've been told throughout your life that you're too sensitive...  Or you even vaguely identify with being sensitive 

And you've struggled with mental health and happiness at all throughout your life- or just felt like you were somehow different, and maybe wondered what's uniquely wrong with you...

You might be missing some very important information that could make the difference between continuing to struggle with your mental and emotional well being and experiencing real peace and happiness in your life:

What if you truly are just different? 

And what if that requires a completely different approach to mental health and happiness than all the things you've already tried? 

What if it requires starting from somewhere completely different?

What if learning to understand and work with your sensitive nature (rather than fighting it or wishing it would change or go away) could actually be the key to greater sanity, peace and happiness in your life? 

My book Finding Your Own Happy will take you a long way to understanding how this shows up in your life and what you can do about it... 

Mental Health and Happiness Coach and Author of Finding Your Own Happy

BUT, if you're ready for change NOW, (if not already yesterday!) and to receive individualized and personalized guidance on how to use these tools in your specific situation to dynamically change your life...

Schedule a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Call

In one dynamic and laser focused call we will: 

  • Understand the role that being sensitive plays in your mental health and happiness and what you can do starting now to leverage that sensitivity for greater peace and happiness in your life.
  • Quickly cut through to the core issues that have been keeping you from your happiness (until now)  in ways that years of personal development or therapy never could.
  • Uplift your spirits and shift your energy- leave the call feeling more hopeful, peaceful and happy!
  • Identify your clear path forward with specific resources, tools and action steps you can implement right away to improve your mental health and happiness by understanding and utilizing the gift of your sensitivity. 

I know your time is valuable and you desire to find something that is actually going to work for you. I am committed to making this one on one call a truly insightful and beneficial experience for you... (and something completely different than everything else you've already tried)

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the in-depth attention I give to each of my clients, I can only accept five new clients each month. I trust that if we're truly meant to work together a space will be available for you. Scheduling your call as soon as possible will help open that possibility for you. I look forward to speaking with you!

Healing Minds and Hearts: Mental health and happiness coach for sensitive people. We coach and teach dynamic tools and processes to help you transform your mental and emotional health, heal your pains and hurts, and find your own true happy through understand and utilize the gift of your sensitivity.

Copyright 2024 by Healing Minds & Hearts