Create Something Different for Your Life This Year

A few years ago I got really fed up with looking back at the end of each year to see that I wasn’t really much closer than I’d been the year before to where I wanted to be in my life.

I knew something had to change!
Wishing and hoping, even visioning and vision boarding weren’t really working.

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that “insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results”…

I took a good hard look at myself, where I was and what I was doing that hadn’t really been working.

Enough with wishing and hoping, enough with magical thinking, what was it really going to take to make the changes I desired in my life?

I realized some important things in those moments.

First, I had to actually believe that I could and would get where I desired to go. Once I truly belied that could be my reality I had to start making choices TODAY that matched me with getting there… Not just wish and hope that somehow it would magically happen. I had to put the energy and effort in that matched with actually reaching my goals.

If I imagined myself with a comfortable income by the end of the year, I took a good hard look at those numbers and could clearly see that working jobs at $10-12 an hour was not going to get me there.

If I desired relationship then sitting at home dreaming about my fantasy man and not making any efforts to put myself in circumstances or situations where I could actually meet someone made it not very likely to happen.

You may be saying “well, duh…” but I am repeatedly surprised at how people’s choices and actions do not line up with what they say they desire for their lives.

I have developed a process for myself of reflecting and visioning that has been keeping me on track for where I wish to be going. Last year I reached my financial goals and am on track to double my income again this year…

and I use my clear visions and goals to inform my actions and choices, including where I live, how I spend my time and who I surround myself with.

 Manifestaction: Partnering with the universe to create what I desire

The full process is beyond the scope of this post, but here are the basic principles that will move you out of the same-old same-old and taking a clear look at what you desire for your life and what it might take to get there.

If you’re ready for something new and different this year, here are 7 keys to manifestaction that will help you get there:

KEY ONE: Open yourself up to possibilities, what is it you desire? 

  • Make a list of all the things you desire for your life this year, and what you would like your life to look and feel like a year from now. It’s a brainstorm so just put whatever it is you would most like to experience for your year as it comes.

  • Look at your list. Can you group any of them together, are some of them part of achieving the same goals, such as wellness, finances or relationship…? Group them into relevant categories and see if you can find one to three areas of your life you’d like to put your attention toward this year. 

KEY TWO: Identify your most important key priorities you’ll focus on this year

  • See if you can identify the essence (which is different than the means) of what any activity or specific goal contains.

  • Example: The essence of one of my goals when I created this was Abundant and Sustainable Financial Ease and Flow. The means could be making 100,000 a year, the means could be having X number of clients… both of those are strategies I think will get me to the essence of my end goal.

    Focus on the essence is important because let’s just say that you were to arrive at Abundant and Sustainable Financial Ease and Flow in your life and you didn’t actually take on a single additional client… you would still be accomplishing the essence of what you desire, it just didn’t happen the way you thought it would!

  • Pick not more than three priorities for your year. If you had to pick three top priorities for your year, what would they be? See if you can really focus in on what you would prioritize in your life if you could only pick three things. Maybe there are some things that need to come before others? You might consider that also in your prioritizing… Like for me, focus on my work and on creating financial ease and flow are prioritized before the goal of owning my own home. Maybe one goal is a means to a greater goal…

  • Write out one to three statements that express the essence of where you are aiming toward and that reflect each of your three priorities.

Here’s a few examples of mine from past years:

Abundant and Sustainable prosperity and Financial Ease and flow that exponentially expands my reality and the possibilities for my life

Peace, ease, joy, flow, beauty and magic in a life where I have all of me always and actualize my authentic and expansive self-expression

You can either go through the entire process of ManifestAction with each of your targets one at a time, or if it works better for you you can do each step for each of your three targets and then move onto the next step.

KEY THREE: What will it take to actually get there?  

Underneath each of your three essence priorities, write down some specific ideas you have for what this would look like or how this would happen. Ie, how much money you would make per week, or how much would you need to make per hour to reach your year-end financial goal? With a fitness goal, what’s your target? Are you aiming to lose weight, if so, how much? What does it actually take to get there? This is the means, this is where you get specific and be very clear and honest with yourself about what is required. Working for $10 an hour is not going to make you $100,00 and exercising for 20 minutes once a week will not be adequate for you to lose 100lbs. You must be honest and real with yourself about what is actually required to reach your goals. 

KEY FOUR: What needs to change?

What in your life holds you back, gets in your way, stops you or detracts from reaching those goals? What needs to change or be different in your life? Maybe it’s time to look for a better paying job, or change your lifestyle so you’re not so stressed and actually have time for that self-care you keep on putting off. Where are your choices or actions not lining up with where you wish to go and what needs to change so they do?

Use the categories below or include your own to identify where you are stopping yourself or holding yourself back or where you need to make some changes. 

  • Beliefs and Attitudes:
  • Behaviors:
  • Activities and conditions:
  • People and relationships:


STEP FIVE: Stay in the question

Move beyond any conclusions about what is or isn’t possible and be open to something greater. 

What judgments or conclusions do you have about what it takes, how it will happen, why it won’t happen, why you can’t etc?

Ie. I can’t move because I won’t find another job that will pay me enough money and give me enough time to keep growing my business (this was totally one of my recent points of view).

If I translate it it could sound like this… I wonder where I might find an even better job that will help me grow my business faster? I wonder how I could grow my business quickly and have it replace the income from my job so I can just move and don’t need to look for another one.

  • Write done your conclusions, judgments and fears:

  • Now let’s translate them: 

I wonder…
What would it take…
What am I not seeing or considering here?
What else might be possible to help me get where I wish to go? 

STEP SIX: Identify the support and resources in your life that can help you get there

What in your life is contributing to, supporting you and helping you get where you would like to go?

What IS working for you and your life?

What resources and support might you still need?

Who in your life might be able to help you get where you would like to go? Who can you talk to that could support you, know of resources or move you in a positive direction?

What can you draw from or access in your community that might be a resource?

What other ideas do you have?

STEP SEVEN: ManifestAction

  • Looking back at what you’ve written, see if you can translate any negative or limiting statements into something positive.

  • What choices or actions can you take or start taking right now that will help you achieve your goals? Next to what you have written or in it’s own space write some of the specific actions and steps you are going to take to move toward reaching your goals.

  • Get out your calendar. If there are regular things you are choosing to do, put them in. If there are one-time actions, put down the date by which you will have them completed!


Every day you must line up your energy, resources thoughts, choices and actions in the direction of creating what you desire. After all it is your energy, thoughts, choices and actions that are creating your life and determining what it will be!

Write out your target statements and put them on the wall. Everyday affirm this statement to yourself and then embody it:



If you’d like to know more about this process or are interested in working with me to create greater happiness and fulfillment in your life in 2018 comment below or schedule a private consultation HERE

Happy 2018, may it be your best year yet!

And not just because you hope and dream for something different but because you make the choices and take the actions help you create it that way!!

Infinite blessings

I’m filling some bigger shoes this year!!