Are you an Empath?!? 

Maybe you KNOW you are or maybe you're new to the concept and wonder how it might apply to you...
And whether or not you define yourself as one, you might still feel the affects of your sensitivities and like to have an easier time navigating this journey and this life. 

  • Do you ever walk into a room and just start feeling "off"?
  • Are you easily affected by the emotions of others, even if they aren't expressing them?
  • Do you tend to want to care for and give to others, but often do it at your own expense?
  • Have you been told you're just too sensitive?

Or I found this quiz that highlights some common empath trends, you can take the quiz here

If you resonate with any of this, chances are you're fairly empathic. When we know how to work with it, being an empath can be a true gift, but if we are not aware or don't have the right tools can just feel overwhelming and confusing.

Have you ever walked into a room and could tell that there'd just been a fight?

Have you ever thought of someone right before they called?

What if you're way more psychic and aware than you have ever given yourself credit for?

What if 98% of all the thoughts, feelings emotions and sensations you experience aren't even yours?

What if you're like a radio antenna picking up on everything around you and transmitting it? 

This was certainly true for me until I discovered how to tell the difference between what is mine and what is not and how to work with my empathic abilities to make them into a true gift. 

I used to think it was all mine and wondered why after so much healing work I still had all of this emotional  STUFF.

You can't fix or solve what's not even yours!

There are many ways and layers to sorting out the difference between what is you and yours and what is everybody else's but here's  a simple and easy tool to start with: 

Here is your magical tool: 
For the next three days for every thought, feeling, sensation or emotion that shows up in your world, ask yourself this question:


If it gets lighter, shifts or changes in some way, then it didn't belong to you in the first place!

I'm telling you, I've been in the middle of crying, asked myself this question and all the crying and emotion just disappeared, it was amazing!

Use it for three days as often as you can possibly remember and you'll  be amazed how much space and peace you have.

From there you can use it any time a thought feeling, emotion or sensation is showing up in your life. It's especially useful for all those times when something just kind of hits you out of the blue. Like you're walking down the street and all of a sudden you're feeling kind of grumpy. Guess what? You just picked up on someone else's stuff! Wouldn't you rather let it go and have you back?

Try it out and let me know what you discover, because it's certainly changed my life and I'm pretty sure it can help change yours!

If you'd like more tools to navigate your empathic abilities, be sure to get yourself a FREE copy of my book! 
( will connect you) 

And if you're ready to truly master your empathic abilities and turn being empathic into a true gift, check out this special  program I put together that will help  you do just that! 


Stop the Emotional Drain 
& Reclaim Your Energy for You!

The Soul Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life