Well, a whole lot actually! A name becomes part of your identity and represents who you are.

Even more true when it comes to business...

Back in 2015 when I picked the name Divine Essence Coaching, I was still a glorious generalist, still figuring out how to describe and articulate my work in a clear and concise way. My work in a lot of ways is about helping you reconnect with your (divine) essence and remember the truth of who you really are... but let's be honest, who goes out searching for that and doesn't it sound a bit airy fairy and what does that really even mean?

A lot has happened since then, including publishing my first bookFinding Your Own Happy which has helped me clarify my work and my mission and to the area of focus where I am most capable of helping people and can create the greatest shifts and get the best results. I have finally come up with a concise way to sum up the heart of what I do: Mental Health and Happiness Coaching and Training for Sensitive People!

The Soul Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life

Yes, this is it! However, Divine Essence Coaching, just doesn't quite represent that ...  at least not more than quite generally.  And Mental Health and Happiness Coaching for Sensitive People is really too long for a web address or a business name. Also, while I have a personal relationship to the word divine (sublime, wonderful, lovely...) not everyone associates it with the same things I do and it has on occasion been mistaken to have religious affiliations- which is not what I intended.

Well, so if not Divine Essence Coaching, then what? I went round and round looking for what would encapsulate that rather long phrase of mental health and happiness coaching for sensitive people into something that would capture enough of the essence of what this work is about, speak to the people it is for, and put me right where I want to be in terms of the work I'm doing and the message I wish to share with the world.

Though Happy was my book title, I felt a little boxed in by Happy. When people think of happy they often think of giddy, smiley, over-the-moon, enthusiastic... upbeat, which is great, however in my version of happy, which when it comes down to it is really more about peace and sanity there is room for all of the messy emotions of life, not just about always feeling happy.

Then I explored the sensitive angle... and that didn't feel quite right either. People also have a lot of connotations of what sensitive means, and while a big part of my work is about helping sensitive people, it is particularly focused on the mental health and emotional well-being part about being sensitive.

With that understanding, I knew that the Mental Health part had to be central.

What I came to is Healing Minds and Hearts. This is what my work in one way or another has always been about.... and what is mental health if not about the health of your heart and mind?

Truly, it is when we bring our hearts and minds together we find healing for our hearts and minds. Healing is not just individual, it is also collective and so together we help to heal each other.

What was once Divine Essence Coaching, is now Healing Hearts and Minds, which has always been what Divine Essence coaching does.