Grace at beachSo much of our suffering has to do with some story we tell ourselves either about the past or future, conclusions we draw about life and how things are or aren’t happening, what has happened that we didn’t like or that we miss about what happened, what will happen and how much better or worse than this moment it will be.

In the midst of great uncertainty in my life to the point of not knowing where I would sleep at night, I took on the practice of getting very present.  And by very present I mean absolutely present to this very moment, not just present to today, not five minutes from now, but to THIS VERY MOMENT.

Because let me tell you a little secret. It’s in this very moment that life happens. It’s in this very moment we experience the joy, the happiness, the love the bliss. A great deal of our suffering has to do with the stories we create and believe that take us out of being present. Who would you be without those stories? Who are you when you become totally present to this very moment of life without the thoughts and judgement?

It’s in THIS very moment that we have power, that we have choice that we are creating the life we want and choose to live. Nowhere do you have greater power than in how you choose to live and be right now, it’s what creates your life and your future.

And you know what else? When it was noon and I started worrying about where I would sleep at night, I got pretty stressed out. The stressing out certianly didn’t help anything and beyond that, the reality I created with my mind didn’t even exist! Because, most often, when I got to the future I projected in my mind, it didn’t happen at all as I’d worried it would and was usually much more positive. Even if it did happen in some ways I’d imagined, in that moment I could be present and have the ability to respond to what was actually happening. Plus with the worry and stress, I missed out on the beauty and gift of the moment I was living.  When I was able to stay fully present I was open to synchronicity and possibility and also present for each new moment of life.

So what does it take for you to get deeply and fully present with your life?

I’ve put together a couple of tools and practice that help me get back to presence and create greater peace and power in my life:

1. Recognize that you’re not actually present and that you’re telling yourself  a story
No matter how true it may seem, are you willing to recognize that whatever you are telling yourself is just a story?  How do you feel when you tell yourself that story? Would you like to change it? Can you think of any reason to keep telling yourself that story that wouldn’t cause you to suffer?

2. Choose where you put your focus
What can you choose RIGHT NOW to create your life and your experience the way that you desire? Focusing on what you CAN DO and what you DO WANT takes you out of the fear and negativity and redirects your focus back to possibility. Also, any action must be taken in the present moment, so choosing to DO something RIGHT NOW brings you out of your story and back into being present. Remember, the point of power is always NOW, so what do you choose right now?

3. Practice gratitude
What’s RIGHT about right now? What do you have to be grateful for right now? It can be as simple as fresh air, warm sun, or food to eat. This helps bring you back into the present moment, open up to receiving and create a sense of fullness and peace. What if nothing is actually wrong with your life? What if you could celebrate THIS very moment for the true gift and miracle that it is?

What tips and tools do you have for getting present with your life?
Please share what works for you so that we can all learn and benefit.