You Don’t Have to Believe Everything You Think!

IMG_7951Knowing this- and acting on it- could completely change your life!

Have you ever heard of THE WORK of Byron Katie? It’s a lot about questioning your thoughts and beginning to have space between you and your thinking. If we can start to notice that the thoughts we have about anything are really just stories we are telling ourselves, we can start to have greater freedom in what we choose to experience. Many of us automatically believe what we think, not eve aware that it is a thought and not the ultimate truth of reality.

The more inquire, the more of my life I know is just the story I am telling.  And, If I am the story teller and I don’t like the story, I can tell a new one! When I move beyond story all together I become fully present to being in this moment.

Byron Katie offers us four questions to engage this inquiry:

1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that it is true?
3. How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without that thought?

and another I have used when I’m particularly attached to my story… Can you think of any reason to hold on to that thought that would not cause you suffering?

I am amazed by the space that is created for me when I stop believing my thoughts and my story, how much more present and available to life I am able to be.

What happens for you when you question your thoughts?

Are you aware of the relationship between your thoughts and your feelings?

What would you like to choose? If you recognize that you are responding to your thoughts, to the stories you tell yourself about life, what stories would you like to tell instead?

 Put it to practice and see what happens! 


Please share comments, thoughts, experiences and reflections below. If this provides inspiration, insight or food for thought, then share it with your friends so they can engage with these ideas too!


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