How far have you already come?

Have you ever changed something or overcome something in your life and then almost forgotten about it, or who you used to be? Like the way you are now is the way you’ve always been?

Sometimes what I’ve noticed happens after a big shift or transformation, is that we feel different and once we’ve integrated the shift we proceed from that different place as if it’s our new normal. Because it now feels like our “normal” we  can often forget just how far we have really come and can take for granted the changes that have occurred.

IMG_8116It’s easy always to see how far we have to go, because that’s what’s ahead of us. We can easily forget what we’ve let go of or left behind and take our new normal as the way things have always been. It’s a metaphor in a sense, but think about it, you’re physically facing forward and can easily see what’s ahead of you. In-order to see what is behind you, you have to literally turn around.

We also tend to put much of our focus on what we still desire, what we don’t yet have, what we still have to accomplish, how far we still have to go. Sometimes we get stuck on what is not happening or hasn’t yet occurred. We can get impatient, even frustrated at what we have not yet achieved or accomplished.

As we continue to move forward,  I  invite us all to reflect on and truly celebrate just how far we have already come!

What you appreciate appreciates…
Where your mind goes your body follows…

I’ve noticed that when I focus on what HAS changed, what IS different, what I AM doing, that my whole energy and feeling shifts and I have more energy and motivation to continue to make positive change. Rather than feeling discouraged and disheartened, sometimes I really go,  “Wow, look at everything that’s happened and all the progress I’ve made. Look at all the positive things that ARE happening in my life!”

Can you take a moment to celebrate just how far you’ve come? Celebrate the gift and contribution you are to this world?
Think of some issue or problem that was big for you that has no relevance for you now. That changed! 

Gratitude is a powerful force for change and transformation that can bring light even to dark places. I invite you to shine the light of gratitude on your self and your own evolution and to see and celebrate what you have accomplished.

We live much in a world and culture that desires instant satisfaction and gratification, results NOW. For most of us that’s not usually how it happens. Some people sometimes have drastic over-night transformation where their whole lives completely change, but for most of us change and transformation is a much more gradual and incremental process. Because we don’t have that big, in-the-moment, immediate before and after contrast we can miss all the shift and change that is occurring and all the really remarkable ways we are growing.


What if you started to notice and celebrate the little changes and transformations that happens in your life?…  the little places of contrast, shift and difference?

See If you can remember some struggle, challenge or issue you once had that no-longer phases you… Can you celebrate that transformation?

Take some time to reflect on positive shifts and changes that have taken place in your life. Really notice and celebrate those places of change and transformation…

What ever they are, however small, can you find the places where positive change has occurred?

The more you can put your focus on what IS happening, what you have to be grateful for, the more you are inviting further positivity and further transformation.

If you are going through a particularly difficult time, which I’m sure there are those of you reading this who are, can you reflect on some ray of light? Some way you are growing, or learning? Is there something in this moment that you can find to be grateful for?
Is there some small shift or accomplishment you can celebrate?

Take this time to be grateful for you and acknowledge yourself for all that you have done and are doing and all the success you’ve already had.

Please share comments, thoughts, experiences and reflections below!