
I’ve been thinking a lot about choice and the power of choice and how it’s the magic and the secret to having what you desire in life…

Really. Think about it for a moment. What you choose really does determine the life you’ll have both now and in the future. So many of us desire, dream of, wish or pray for change in our lives, and yet, what we choose stays the same. If we don’t make different choices then the one’s we’ve always made then we’re probably not going to create much of a different life for ourselves. If I wish to make 100,000 a year, and I continue to work for $10 an hour, hoping and wishing and dreaming about the 100,000 a year without making some different choices, then you can pretty much bet I’m not going to get there.

Your choice is reflected in how you spend your time, in the people you surround yourself with, where you focus your attention, the thoughts that you have, how you react or respond, the conditions you tolerate even though they don’t work for you…

Change begins with choice

If you have a dream, if you have a wish, if you desire something different from your life, what can you choose right now that will begin to lead you in that direction?

Are you willing to choose it? How are your choices and your actions aligning (or not) with what you would like to create or generate in your life? What new choices could you make that would move you in that direction?

Let’s do a little exercise to help bring some awareness to what you desire from your life and connect that to the choices you are making.

Make a list of your key wishes, dreams, desires or hopes in life, then ask yourself:

  • What choices am I making that are helping to move me in this direction? 
  • What choices am I making that are taking me away from what I would like? 
  • If I want this to be a reality for me in this life-time, what choices can I start making NOW to support me in reaching this? 
  • If I continue to choose what I am choosing in my life, will it support me in getting where I want to go? 
  • What is the cost to me and my life now, in one, five or ten years if I don’t make some different choices?

I suggest that you write down the answers, not just think about them in your head. If you have it on paper it’s more real and something that you can use to reflect on and guide you as you move forward. Now CHOOSE which choices and changes you will start implementing and by when.

And Remember. Choice creates awareness, awareness doesn’t create choice. If you look for the how, the answers and the solutions, before you clearly choose, you probably won’t find what you’re looking for. As soon as you take a step in the direction of your choice however, you become aware of new possibilities, things start showing up in life that just weren’t available or that you couldn’t see before you made that choice. I  have noticed this to be quite true in my life. Pay attention and see how it shows up for you.