Your choices create your life

Choice I’ve been thinking a lot about choice and the power of choice and how it’s the magic and the secret to having what you desire in life… Really. Think about it for a moment. What you choose really does determine the life you’ll have both now and in the future. So many of us desire, dream of, wish or pray for change in our lives, and yet, what we choose stays the same. If we don’t make [...]

What else is possible when you surrender the past?

What Else is Possible When You Surrender the Past and Truly Create Your Life from the Present? Welcome to this New Year! This new moment that is full of possibility that has never been before. How true is that of every moment, not just the turn of the year? How true is it for you? Most of us are not living from a place of connection to the possibility within each new moment. Most of us are busy [...]

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