When is the last time you just let yourself be?

Really be.

Without agenda, without expectation, without needing to change, fix, do or accomplish anything?

To just listen to an allow your being to find it’s own pattern it’s own flow, it’s own rhythm?  Just listening and being?

Our culture has such an emphasis on doing, on achieving that keeps many of us constantly on the go, sometimes to the detriment of our own well-being and self-connection.

Sometimes we don’t realize just how mixed up we are with other people’s stuff, with other people’s energies, with the energies of the planet, until we give ourselves some space to re-balance and recharge.

If I know anything about being a sensitive and empathic being, I’ve learned that unstructured time, just to BE is very important to my well-being and helps me recharge and reset my energetic field. It allows me to move beyond the shoulds, stories and pressures both internal and external…  just to experience my own is-ness my own energy, my own essence of being. It helps me let go of every body else’s energy and stuff that I’ve been carrying and come back to my own true essence, my center, the truth of who I am.  It’s when I don’t do this that it feels like life doesn’t work for me, that I’m out of touch with myself and off-kilter with the world. It can be challenging, hard sometimes to take space or disengage, but as an empath, is vitally necessary.

Take time to Recharge and Re-balance!

I’ve had an intense week, with a lot of intense energy in my system. I didn’t realize just how out of balance I was until I took some time just to relax and be.

view10I went for a little stroll, without agenda or destination,  just allowing myself to relax and follow my own inner compass. The sun is shining warm, I’m surrounded by golden green fields and blue sky with the soft buzz of an August summer morning in nature. I lie on a bench under an apple tree and let the sun warm me, just relax into being, no agenda, no expectation, no time frame. Just being. Slowly all the tension, the stories, the demands both inner and outer, the impacts and impressions of others and their energies just melt away.  I feel refreshed, and recharged, back to being grounded in my own Self, in touch with my essence, in my own energetic field and it feels AMAZING!

For me, it is time for just BEING in Nature that really makes a difference, that recharges my spirit and brings me back to my essence. Nature is a powerful healer and re-balancer, bringing us back in touch with our own natural rhythms and the natural rhythms of life.

How about for you? When is the last time you just let yourself be? What tools do you have for recharging your spirit? What if you gave yourself the space and permission just to BE at least an hour every day and one day a week to stay connected to your essence and the TRUTH of who you are? How could that contribute to and change your life?

Would you like to find out? You won’t know unless you give it a try!