What is Love Anyway?

What is love anyway?  "There's a hundred shades of love, and a million in-between, if you can't get enough, then there's more you haven't seen" ~Andrew Donovan “I LOVE YOU” What does that mean? What does it mean to love someone, what does it mean to be loved? What is love anyway? I started to ponder these questions when I noticed this gap between someone telling me they love me and how I felt in relationship to their [...]

Why Just Loving Yourself Isn’t Enough

Why Loving Yourself Isn't EnoughDo you get told when relationships are challenging, or you're not exactly receiving the love that you desire that you just need to love yourself more? And that somehow, self-love is the magic ticket that will solve all your relationship (and life!) problems? I've been hearing for a long time, and maybe you have too, that in order to have love you just need to love yourself... more. While I DO believe that loving yourself is [...]

Re-writing your love story

Re-writing your love story You might not realize it, but you have a love story. I'm not talking about your fairytale-princess version of love, your knight-in-shining-armor kind of story- what I'm talking about is a whole lot more personal and a whole lot closer to you and your life. The love story I'm talking about is the story that has been written into your subconscious through your lived-experiences in life, starting with your family. Our childhood experiences of [...]

Love and not love

Love and Not Love I recently saw a post on facebook about a study showing that spanking is harmful even if the parent has a warm and loving relationship with the child. Wow, ok, so this really set some wheels spinning for me... Inflicting physical harm or pain on other human beings is considered violence, aggression, assault or abuse. Nowhere else in our culture do we sanction inflicting physical pain/harm on another human being, not even on violent [...]

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