The voice that speaks inside

The Voice That Speaks InsideThe Voice, by Shel SilversteinAhh, yes! The voice that speaks inside. And yet, how often do we deny or crush that voice? How often do we argue with that voice or make it wrong?What if you're not wrong? What if you stopped drowning out that voice and started listening to its every little whisper? What would it have to tell you? What would it show you about your life, about your heart, about your [...]

“GOOD” relationships…

"GOOD Relationships" "It only takes one person to have a good relationship..." I heard that piece of information from Byron Katie a while back, but it has taken me a quite a while to really get its meaning. What does that mean? How can that be?   My friend was there to listen and make this a good relationship... even if I wasn't having it. So often we blame our partner for how the relationship is [...]

Create Your Year

Create Your Year the Way You Would Like It's a New Year. For many this signifies new beginnings, an opportunity to start fresh, to resolve to take on a new habit, let go of one that doesn't serve you or just the hope and promise that this year will be better than the last. Yet how many of you actually follow through on your new year's resolutions? How closely does your New Year become what you wish it [...]

Flexing Your Positivity Muscle

Flexing your Positivity Muscle Yes, positivity is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more we use it. Same with negativity. Which muscles have you been flexing lately? Here's a daily exercise routine to help you build strength in positivity:  You notice you're awake What are the first thoughts you are thinking? How do those thoughts make you feel? If it's something other than along the lines of grateful, joyful, happy and excited to be alive, there's some [...]

By |2019-11-23T04:20:40-07:00October 25th, 2013|Categories: Transformation|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Begin with the End in Mind

Begin with the End in Mind Begin. With the end. In mind. I can't tell you how true this is becoming for me, particularly and acutely in how I relate to and engage with other people. Often acting or engaging in ways that have not contributed to creating the kind of connection or engagement I desire, I have begun to really think before I act... So often we choose the opposite. We choose actions that are very unlikely [...]

Being in Acceptance

Being in Acceptance I've been writing a lot about choosing, about honoring your YES and Your NO, on being intolerant, essentially on truly listening to yourself, knowing what's true for you and honoring that. Though it may at first appear contradictory, today I want to write about acceptance  You may have heard the statement “what you resist persists.” Maybe you've even found it to be true... As long as we are resisting something, in opposition to something, we [...]

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