What else is possible when you surrender the past?

What Else is Possible When You Surrender the Past and Truly Create Your Life from the Present? Welcome to this New Year! This new moment that is full of possibility that has never been before. How true is that of every moment, not just the turn of the year? How true is it for you? Most of us are not living from a place of connection to the possibility within each new moment. Most of us are busy [...]


Bars! What the heck are Bars? They are points on the head where you hold the electromagnetic charges of your thoughts and beliefs, and when you "have your Bars run"  you can discharge and re-set these charges to create more space, peace and possibility. Sound like a whole lot of hocus-pocus? Yeah, that's what I thought too... until I got off the table and experienced such a deep sense of space, peace, calm and self-connection that I'd been [...]

Stop using Money as your excuse

Stop Using Money As Your Excuse to Stop You Would all you fabulous, creative, talented, expansive beings please please stop stopping you with money? Ooooh, I know that's a button pusher for some of you! But truly, where do you give your power away to money? Do you determine the life you're willing or able to have based on how much money you have in your possession or have decided is coming to you? How many of you [...]

By |2020-02-05T07:04:41-07:00September 30th, 2014|Categories: Transformation|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Some thoughts on Maturity

Some Thoughts on Maturity What does maturity mean to you? What makes someone mature or immature? I began to more-deeply investigate the question of maturity when I noticed I was repeatedly judging someone in my life as immature. Being a practitioner of Nonviolent Communication, which invites us to move beyond our judgement to see more clearly what is actually occurring, I wanted to really unpack what behaviors or ways of being I was labeling as immature. What I came to see [...]

Positivity and it’s unintended consequences

Positivity and its Unintended Consequences I have noticed a trend in the world I live in toward extreme positivity and optimism. There are even many teachers and leaders and celebrity advocates in the world of positive thinking. While I do see great value on accentuating the positive, and that it can be a powerful tool to transform our experiences, I think it also has its unintended consequences. One of these consequences is to be in denial about the [...]

Hidden costs of compassion

The Hidden Costs of CompassionDid you know that sometimes compassion can have hidden costs?Sound's funny, doesn't it?But if you're willing to check it out with me you might also realize that your compassion for others at times comes at a price to yourself.How often have you sought to forgive, to see things from someone else's perspective, to understand, to have compassion for why someone else might behave the way they do?What happens to you and your experience in that?-It [...]

By |2020-02-05T07:03:29-07:00July 10th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments

You don’t have to believe everything you think

You Don't Have to Believe Everything You Think!Knowing this- and acting on it- could completely change your life!Have you ever heard of THE WORK of Byron Katie? It's a lot about questioning your thoughts and beginning to have space between you and your thinking. If we can start to notice that the thoughts we have about anything are really just stories we are telling ourselves, we can start to have greater freedom in what we choose to experience. Many [...]

By |2020-02-05T07:03:29-07:00June 26th, 2014|Categories: Transformation|0 Comments

Trust yourself and choose for you

Trust Yourself and Choose for YOU no Justification or Explanation required I am finding the courage to just walk away. Walk away from situations, conditions, dynamics, ways of being and engaging that aren't serving me or resonate for me. Knowing what's true for me in a given moment and trusting and following that truth. It feels truly liberating. No explaining, no justifying, no arguing with myself, also no blame, just clear, present choice about what works for me, how I [...]

Bullying is a symptom

Bullying is a symptom, can we address it at its cause?Bullying. I've been hearing a bit about bulling lately, chiefly about legislation, laws and rules in response to bullying. My heart goes out to all the children who are or have been victims of bullying, and to their families, especially to the families of those children who have taken their own lives. A tragedy I would not wish upon anyone. However, I really wonder if laws and legislation [...]

Compliments that Connect

Compliments that ConnectHow able are you to accept a compliment?We all know we “SHOULD” accept compliments when we receive them, but here's the funny thing about compliments- they often come in the form of judgment:“You're so pretty” “You're so smart" “You're such a calm person” “You're so kind and considerate”Have you ever noticed that you might feel slightly uneasy with these compliments even though you “should” be able to take a compliment?The thing with these types of compliments [...]

Empathy Before Education

Empathy Before Education"I regretted how often in the past I'd rendered children incompetent by stepping in too soon." ~ Tom HobsonThis sentence from the Teacher Tom blog jumped out at me.I wonder how often we render children incompetent by stepping in too soon. I wonder how often we render anyone incompetent by stepping in too soon.I've noticed in my time working with children that we so often per-determine their capabilities or lack there of and step in before [...]

By |2020-02-05T07:03:28-07:00May 9th, 2014|Categories: A new Paradigm for childhood, NVC|0 Comments

Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap: Perhaps you've walked away from a situation or condition that you have been tolerating or that is no-longer serving you and at first it feels liberating. Then you start to wonder if you made the right choice, if things will work out, if you were just overreacting or being silly, if maybe you could have worked things out after all. Maybe you're even considering going back... to the job, to the relationship, to the circumstances that challenged [...]

The voice that speaks inside

The Voice That Speaks InsideThe Voice, by Shel SilversteinAhh, yes! The voice that speaks inside. And yet, how often do we deny or crush that voice? How often do we argue with that voice or make it wrong?What if you're not wrong? What if you stopped drowning out that voice and started listening to its every little whisper? What would it have to tell you? What would it show you about your life, about your heart, about your [...]

“GOOD” relationships…

"GOOD Relationships" "It only takes one person to have a good relationship..." I heard that piece of information from Byron Katie a while back, but it has taken me a quite a while to really get its meaning. What does that mean? How can that be?   My friend was there to listen and make this a good relationship... even if I wasn't having it. So often we blame our partner for how the relationship is [...]

Create Your Year

Create Your Year the Way You Would Like It's a New Year. For many this signifies new beginnings, an opportunity to start fresh, to resolve to take on a new habit, let go of one that doesn't serve you or just the hope and promise that this year will be better than the last. Yet how many of you actually follow through on your new year's resolutions? How closely does your New Year become what you wish it [...]

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