Lessons From Depression: Is this even mine?

Lessons from Depression I'm no stranger to depression. It's something that has been part of my reality, probably since I was about 11 when my beloved teacher of four years died of cancer and I was moving away from childhood into puberty. Dealing with hormonal changes and confronting the realities of life and death at 11 on my own were way too much for my 11-year-old self to handle. So I just kind of cut myself off from [...]

Your choices create your life

Choice I’ve been thinking a lot about choice and the power of choice and how it’s the magic and the secret to having what you desire in life… Really. Think about it for a moment. What you choose really does determine the life you’ll have both now and in the future. So many of us desire, dream of, wish or pray for change in our lives, and yet, what we choose stays the same. If we don’t make [...]

How far have you already come?

How far have you already come? Have you ever changed something or overcome something in your life and then almost forgotten about it, or who you used to be? Like the way you are now is the way you've always been? Sometimes what I've noticed happens after a big shift or transformation, is that we feel different and once we've integrated the shift we proceed from that different place as if it's our new normal. Because it now [...]

Empathic Women in Relationships: Four Questions to Ask Yourself

Empathic Women in Relationships: Four Questions to Ask Yourself (That can improve your mental health and happiness and move you in the direction of having better relationships)  How loved do you feel? How much does he actually love you? You “Love him so much” but how much are you loving you, how much is he loving you? I have heard so many women say this phase (myself included!):  “but I love him so much”. Yes, ok, you love [...]

By |2019-12-11T19:22:07-07:00December 10th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

True Self-Care

When you think of self-care, what comes to your mind? Bubble baths? Massages? Days for yourself where you get to do whatever it is you want? Vacations from your life? Sure, that's awesome, that's all forms of doing something nice for yourself and making you feel good, but why have we relegated self-care to something separate from the rest of our life? From our everyday activities? Self-care is not something to be saved for nights and weekends, something we only get to after [...]

By |2021-07-27T18:32:58-06:00December 10th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

What’s in a name?

Well, a whole lot actually! A name becomes part of your identity and represents who you are.Even more true when it comes to business...Back in 2015 when I picked the name Divine Essence Coaching, I was still a glorious generalist, still figuring out how to describe and articulate my work in a clear and concise way. My work in a lot of ways is about helping you reconnect with your (divine) essence and remember the truth of who [...]

By |2019-11-30T04:27:41-07:00November 30th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Relationship Lists?

I used to make all sorts of relationship lists- You know the ones- The qualities he should have, what he should look like, what kind of job he holds. How he compliments me, his degrees, is personality, his family. And on and on and on… I've made lots of those lists and know people that swear by them, though I can’t say that they ever really worked for me. Then I fell in love with someone who met [...]

By |2019-06-14T03:08:47-06:00June 13th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

create something different for your life this year

Create Something Different for Your Life This Year A few years ago I got really fed up with looking back at the end of each year to see that I wasn’t really much closer than I’d been the year before to where I wanted to be in my life. I knew something had to change! Wishing and hoping, even visioning and vision boarding weren’t really working. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that “insanity is doing the same things [...]

By |2020-02-05T07:10:03-07:00January 1st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Receiving Your Awareness

Receiving Your Awareness We cut off our awareness for many reasons, one because we have learned not to trust it and believe that it is wrong, and two, because sometimes what we are aware of does not match the conclusions we have about how things should be. Then when things turn out differently, we are surprised. Yet, how often was there actually part of you that knew? This weekend I had the chance to connect in some beautiful [...]

By |2015-07-20T16:16:03-06:00July 20th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

This is perfect

This is Perfect Humble new beginnings. Bowing down. Letting go of the notions of who I think I am Letting go of everything I think I know to find new truth and new meaning, suspending my understanding for a while, to receive in emptiness, to see with new eyes, to find new beauty here and now. Letting go of resistance, of attachments, melting in to the flow of this moment, becoming undone, being, oneness in this now moment. Finding [...]

By |2019-08-12T20:26:36-06:00June 2nd, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Can We Meet Again for the First Time?

Can We Meet Again for the First Time? What would it take to receive each new being freshly? To live on that edge of expectancy and discovery of finding out who you and they are? What would it take to meet each person in your life again for the first time? Can you receive them with that much freshness? Can you let go of everything you've ever known or created about them to discover who they are and [...]

Who is Anyone to Anyone?

Who is Anyone to Anyone? How the conceptions we have of others keep us and them from changing or being known for who we truly are I go through lots of change. The person I was three months ago, doesn't actually exist anymore. Except to the people I haven't seen in three months, that's how they know me- or even more likely they don't actually have the three month old model of me but one much older than that which is [...]

What do YOU know about YOU?

What do YOU know about YOU? What If somewhere deep down inside of you you KNOW what is true for you, YOU know what is going on for you and what you need to do to shift the places you are stuck or that you feel aren't working in your life? What if no-one, no matter how educated, smart, perceptive, intuitive, or magical knows better than you what is right and true for you? Yet, how often do [...]

Lessons from depression: Support your body

Lessons from Depression: Lesson Three: Your Body Might Need Some Support From You As much as I see depression as a symptom- often of something going on in the psyche, some place we are cutting ourselves off from ourselves and our awareness- I know for me it was also important to address the condition of my physical body. Your body also might desire and require additional support and help to balance that it hasn't been getting. I started feeling [...]

The Tiger Story

The Tiger Story – A Parable on Anger Once upon a time there lived a little girl in a jungle. Her parents were killed and she had to fend for herself. She was terribly afraid. One day she came upon a baby tiger, whose mother had left. She cared for the tiger, and he grew well and they became best friends, playing and living together every day. One day, a man with a red shirt came into the [...]

By |2015-02-02T19:15:47-07:00January 26th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |0 Comments
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